by Christopher Harris | Aug 14, 2020 | Education, History, Liberal Lunacy, Politics, video
According to an August 14, 2020 article on NBC NEWS with the headline, “U.S. Postal Service warns Pennsylvania that mail-in ballots may be delivered too late”, the U.S. Postal Service says it’s “unlikely there will be enough time to request,...
by Christopher Harris | Jul 17, 2020 | Economics, Human Interest, Politics
On Monday, 06/22/2020, Christopher Harris, Executive Director of Unhyphenated America, appears on a panel on the China Global TV Network (CGTN) show “The Heat”, hosted by Anand Naidoo. The other panel members were Atlanta Radio Talk Show Host, Dr. Rashad...
by Christopher Harris | Jun 1, 2020 | American Exceptionalism
The death of George Floyd at the hands, and while in the custody of, several Minneapolis (MN) police officers is nothing short of a travesty. The total chaos that has followed in the wake of his tragic killing is an even bigger affront and has happened with the same...
by Christopher Harris | Nov 12, 2019 | American Exceptionalism
On Friday, Nov 8, 2019, fervent supporter of all things Leftist, Tariq Nasheed, caused a great disturbance in The Force by asking one simple question via his twitter account. Trump is actually talking about providing specific tangibles to Foundational Black Americans...